Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 29 - Transcendental Cucumber

40 Days of Yoga has not helped my healthy eating resolve.  There are only so many hours in each day, and cooking has recently moved to the back burner.

Earlier this week, my husband's doctor had words with him about eating less salt and fat and calories in general.  This was just before we went to all-you-can-eat Indian Buffet

So, this morning, while the coffee dripped through the filter, I sliced a cucumber for Raita - a simple and healthy dish. 

I peeled the cucumber, sliced it lengthwise and removed the seeds for compost.  I chopped it into medium small dice, and admired its delicate green.  I know the perfect name for that shade of green.  I will call it, "cucumber".  I almost fell into a transcendental reverie with the little cucumber dices and their pale cucumber color.  I've had this kind of experience before - once with an orange in the sunshine.  The only thing holding me back from transcendence this morning was that I had not yet had my coffee.

First things first.

1 comment:

  1. this is just perfect! but mel??? worried about calories?!?! that's insane!
