Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 25 - Communication Issues

A couple on the metro asked my husband and me if we would like their seats.

I shrugged.  "Only if you're getting off at the next stop." 

They didn't say, but looked like they wanted to stand up. 

I asked again, "Are you getting off at the next stop?" 

They clearly were native English speakers, but something in our communication was confusing.  They weren't from around here.  They weren't used to riding the metro.  They carried a guide book for visiting Washington cherry blossoms.  The couple stood up and we took their seats, but they did not get off at the next stop.  They did not get off at the stop after that.  They stayed on for the next five stops and were still standing in the aisle when we got off at Metro Center. 

You've already figured out why they offered their seats.  I'm slow to understand.  I don't really comprehend it at all.  I don't believe it.  I am denying that they offered their seats -

Because We Are Old. 

Hell!  I do yoga every day!  I'm only 51.  I'm going to live to be 104, so technically I'm not even middle aged!

As bad as that moment was, it gets worse.  The God's Honest Truth is that after the couple missed the second stop (giving them the benefit of the doubt) I made a spectical of myself saying, "You offered those seats because you think we're OLD!?!"

Aren't you glad you don't live with me?  Imagine spending your days with such a reactive person, unable to edit thoughts before they combust into speech.  If you want to read more about my communication issues, see Day 20 or Day 2.

Eventually I settled down and was able to look objectively at the situation.

I was able to turn to my husband with newfound clarity. 

"Honey, they didn't really think I looked old.   It was your gray hair they were noticing."

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ha god bless them, they can give me a seat any time!
