Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 14 - Resistance

I don’t have time to attend a class everyday.  It looks like I have to create a home yoga practice.

And I am so RESISTANT.

When it’s time for yoga at home, the chores start shouting at me.  Urgent email, cooking, laundry, and ironing needs. Surely I should take those T-shirts out of the drawer and refold them neatly. When I’m really desperate I consider washing the kitchen floor.  It's about time I cleaned the attic.

Having spent years as a professional musician, engaging in the solitary self-discipline of practicing my instrument, I should be a natural at home yoga practice. I understand the daily commitment, loneliness and boredom required to prepare recitals. Now that I’m facing this yoga resistance, I am becoming very sympathetic to my young students who resist their assignments. But these lucky students have parents to sit them down with a 20 minute timer.

That’s what I need. A yoga mom to lovingly roll out my mat and set my timer. She will sit in the room with me so that I will not be lonely. She’ll tell me what a good job I did. This will make me so happy that I’ll look forward to the next time. I’ll carry the timer over and plop it in her lap, asking eagerly, "Can we practice now?"

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