The 40 Days of Yoga Substitution System strikes again.
Friday is my day off. Totally and completely off. Which means all I have to do today is read the papers, write my blogs, practice music for two hours, teach a one-hour organ lesson, have a 45 minute conference call, and make broccoli quiche and borsch because Mary Ellen, a dear friend from long ago and far away, is coming for supper!
Oh. And I haven’t cleaned the house since Christmas.
Multi-tasking suggestions anyone?
My Jewish friends make a religious act out of cleaning their homes for passover. Why can't I do a little holistic yoga/cleaning combo?
Not only would that allow me to fit in yoga, but I could conquer my home-yoga practice resistance problem (see Day 14) and clean the house at the same time!
I will set my timer for Two Hours! Practice will be self-motivated and self-lead. Who needs expensive yoga studios and fancy pants? Who needs annoying yoga teachers that don't understand why I can't spread my toes and don't even know where my IT Band is.
Having set my intention, I will breathe deeply and engage my whole body as I carry the vacuum to the far reaches of my house. I will use my core to protect my back, engage Mula Bandha, stimulating Uddiyana Bandha. I will bend and bow. I will work my triceps, biceps, glutes and abs. I will reach into dark nether regions performing Dust Bunny Asana. I will kneel humbly at my floors - yea even the bathroom floor. This isn't just exercise. This is prayer! My prayer of thanksgiving for shelter. My prayer for family harmony. My prayer of joy and gratitude that Mary Ellen is still my friend after 30 years. My prayer of celebration for the source of all this energy.
I will stretch my limbs to their outer limits and stretch my yoga practice to it's last inch of practicality.
Okay, I'm at the beginning of what will be a long stretch of housecleaning, and you have shown me how to do it! Thanks!